[Delivery Agent] Full time fashion designer, Pickupp delivery agent - earned 20K in additional monthly income to move to the UK

Aug 11, 2021 5:00 PM

Pickupp Delivery Agent

[Delivery Agent] Full time fashion designer, Pickupp delivery agent - earned 20K in additional monthly income to move to the UK

Jay is a full-time fashion designer and father to one son and one daughter. Originally, his work and life plans were on track, however, after his father’s unfortunate illness 2 years ago - he urgently needed an additional job to help his family. During this time, he joined Pickupp and started his journey as a Pickupp delivery agent.

Daily work routine

Jay works as a designer from 9am to 6pm, outside those hours he works as a Pickupp delivery agent. Before going to work he confirms his delivery orders in advance. So that he can efficiently deliver them to the destination after his office hours. As the majority of his orders are for the West Kowloon area, he mainly delivers near his office and residence. By 10pm, Jay finishes his deliveries and goes home to rest. When asked if work is tough, he laughs and says it’s easy and he doesn’t mind going out for a leisurely drive.

Finding one's strength during the pandemic

Within this past year the pandemic has had a troubling effect on the Hong Kong economy. Even when Jay was forced to take unpaid leave, facing both work and home pressure, he stayed calm and collected. While he was on leave, he chose to work as a delivery agent full time. Despite it being a different industry, he was working the same amount of hours and earning more than he expected. This helped him to endure the difficult period. “At a full time job you could earn a daily salary of up to $1000. Until I started working part time, I didn’t think it was possible to earn a similar amount”. Although Jay was only freelancing for Pickupp, his monthly salary was over 20K - he smiles and says sometimes his part time job earned more than his full time one.

A Pickupp delivery agent’s inner thoughts

Compared to his full time job, Jay admits that at times he enjoys his courier job more. As a fashion designer,he often has to contact and deal with clients. Along the design process, there are instances when there are minor conflicts when the client’s expectations are different from his and he needs to rush and make multiple revisions to a design. At Pickupp, his daily income is not only comparable to having a full time job but he has a lot of opportunities to build great relationships with his customers. Even though there are unpleasant experiences on occasion, there’s a lot of heartfelt memories as well. He recalled a regular customer asking him to deliver the next day since it was pouring that day. Another caring customer sent him a message to be careful while driving in the rain. There was also a time where there wasn’t a lift in the building and his customer didn’t want to trouble Jay and insisted on meeting on the ground floor for a delivery. As a courier, you meet a lot of incredible people and you can broaden your horizons. This time of fulfilment isn’t easy to find, which is why Jay is extremely satisfied with his part time job.

Achieving goals and moving overseas

After several years of hard work, Jay has enough savings for his family to emigrate to the U.K. Pickupp has grown over the years to hire many talented and reliable employees like Jay. Whatever your circumstance, anyone can be a delivery agent with Pickupp Interested to join us? To sign up and learn more about how you can be a Pickupp Hero, visit our Be A Delivery Agent page here.