Pickupp White Paper | E-commerce and Smart Logistics in the post pandemic genre

Sep 13, 2021 7:00 PM

Pickupp Business
Pickupp Logistic Service

Pickupp White Paper | E-commerce and Smart Logistics in the post pandemic genre

近年來,疫情令實體零售業和傳統物流業大受打擊,創新電商卻在以驚人的速度發展,全球不少物流企業也在努力跟上數碼轉型的潮流。可以說,疫情所刺激的網上消費為全球物流也帶來嚴峻挑戰的同時,也帶來不可忽視的機遇。 在這樣的大環境下,了解現今電商物流業的發展趨勢是各大企業及中小型商戶的首要任務。在互聯網時代,電子商務和物流業的發展是怎樣的呢?在互聯網愈趨發達的同時,電商物流業又會有怎樣的發展動向? 立即填妥表格下載閱讀! In recent years, the epidemic has dealt a great blow to the physical retail industry and traditional logistics industry, while innovative e-commerce is developing at an alarming speed. Many logistics enterprises around the world are also trying to keep up with the trend of digital transformation. It can be said that the online consumption stimulated by the epidemic has not only brought severe challenges to global logistics, but also brought opportunities that can not be ignored. In such an environment, understanding the development trend of e-commerce logistics industry is the primary task of major enterprises and small and medium-sized merchants. What is the development of e-commerce and logistics in the Internet era? While the Internet is becoming more and more developed, what will be the development trend of e-commerce logistics industry? Fill in the form and download our white paper now!
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